Rubber boots require simple care

Leather And Rubber Boots
Rubber boots require simple care. The first thing you want to do is take your rubber boots outside and hose them off or rinse them off. There is not much you can do when it comes to preventing fading or cracking. What you can do is, store it out of direct sunlight. For leather boots the biggest concern is not getting them wet. You want to let them dry at room temperature, away from direct sources of heat. Don not blow dry them because you will crack or wrap the leather. Saddle Soap does a good job in cleaning dirt and stains on leather boots. Just follow the instruction on the can. Because Saddle Soap may wipe away some of the needed moisture on you leather boots add commercial leather conditioner.

If it is just general dirt a hose and a spray attachment will do a good job at cleaning that off. For tougher cleaning jobs mix 1/2 cup of trisodium phosphate with 1/2 cup of laundry detergent in I gallon of water. Remember to wear eye protection as well as wearing gloves when working with trisodium phosphate. You also want to read the instruction/product labels. First hose down the bricks thoroughly before washing. After that scrub lightly with the cleaning mixture. Oil based paint stains should be wiped immediately with Paint Thinner.

                                      Brief Case
The easiest way to clean a leather brief case is to is with a damp sponge and some Woolite.  Squirt some Woolite on the sponge and rub the surface. Then wipe away the residue with a sponge dampened in only water. If that doesn’t work try using a cleaner made for only leather sol at leather stores. Once you are done if you haven’t already add leather conditioner (every three to six months).